Meditation is the art of silencing your ego mind and anchoring yourself in the present
moment. Contrary to what you may believe, it doesn’t have to be a long drawn out event in order to be effective. If you’re a busy person who still wants to make time to practice mindfulness, here are 11 simple meditations that you can practice in as little as 3-5 minutes…
Meditations For Stress Relief
- Shower Meditations: Close your eyes for 2-5 minutes while you’re showing and imagine the water cleansing your mind, body, and spirit while focusing on your breath. Visualize all of your stress going down the drain.
- Grounding: Sit in a quiet place and imagine yourself sitting on bare Earth. Imagine a tun
- nel shooting from your tailbone to the Earth’s core. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale say to yourself: I release everything that doesn’t serve my greatest good.
- Timeline: Pretend that another version of you existed in a different timeline and was living the life of your dreams. Imagine that other you doing something you’d love to do and be very detailed as you watch that version of you living an incredible life. Try to feel the happiness and the emotion that he/she is feeling. Before you end your visualization, imagine you and the other version of you becoming one. Now that you feel better, try to keep that same vibration in your real life.
- Heat: Imagine that the Sun is directly above you and that there’s a tunnel above your head that connects the sun’s energy to the top of your head. Feel the heat of the Sun building up in your body and imagine it’s heat burning away all of your pain, stress, worries, and traumas. When the sun’s energy has burned away everything that doesn’t serve you, allow that sun’s healing energy to energize, nurture, and heal your mind, body, and soul.
Attract Abundance
- The Money Pile: Go into a meditation by inhaling in and out of your nose and spend the first few minutes just focusing on your on your breath. Let all other thoughts float out of your head while a large pile of money begins to rain down on you and surround you.
- focus on anchoring into the present moment. Now imagine yourself sitting in a pile of money. Say to yourself: I am wealthy and abundant and money easily enters my life.
- You Deserve: A lot of times we block our manifestations because our inner selves do not believe that we deserve the things that we want. Get into a comfortable position and visualize yourself sitting directly across from you. Tell that version of you that you love her (or him), she is amazing, and that she deserves everything she could ever want. Tell her anything else she needs to hear. Let her know that her past mistakes do not define her and that it’s okay to start over when she chooses to.
- Your goals: Before getting out of bed in the morning, imagine yourself going through your day and successfully accomplishing everything on your to-do list and having the best day ever. Be as specific as possible. Know that you will be taking the necessary steps to accomplish your goals and design the life of your dreams
Self Love
- Forgiveness: You may not believe this the first few times you do it, but keep holding space for yourself and allow yourself to grow and become a better version of you. Get into a meditative space and imagine going to a beautiful outdoor location of your choice. While sitting comfortably and taking in the scenery, you walk up to yourself. Tell this other you that you love her, forgive all of her mistakes, and accept her imperfections. Have a conversation with her. When you’re done, allow this version of yourself (this version that you love and forgive) to merge and become one with your body. Let that energy of love and forgiveness fill your body.
- Love Statements: Get into a meditative space and start telling yourself that you love yourself. Say these mantras to yourself: I am beautiful. I love myself. Allow yourself to really feel the energy of those words.
- Love Memories: Visualize your most love filled happy memory. Replay the whole memory in your mind. Be as detailed as possible. To often we relive our negative memories over and over in our minds. This meditation allows us to do the opposite. It allows us to relive a more positive experience.
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